Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!

Hello there. Today is my country's Independence day, so Selamat Hari Merdeka, Malaysians. I'm proud to be a Malaysian. Since I just finished my exams, I'm also Merdeka (which means independence or free from ruling in English) d. Lolz.

It's been a boring day, nothing left to do, other than just slacking around, playing some computer games, surfing net etc. I would really like to enjoy an outing at this time, but since all of my friends, including my girlfriend has went back to my hometown. So basically, I'm just so BORING!! Lolz.

Haiya, long time didn't have good food already. Really want to eat something nice today. But hey, today is Sunday, my pocket money is almost finished. Grrrr. I'll just have to wait until tomorrow then.

Here are some pictures which I had no time to upload:

Softshell Crab Sushi from Shinoya Japanese store at the gardens and sushi set in Jaya Jusco.

Onion loaf in Tony Romas. 3 piece special at Chili's and Lamb shoulder also at Chili's.


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