Best friends.

What is best friends?

1. Did you become best friends because you hang out together all the time?
2. Did you become best friends because you shared personal secrets with your friend?
3. Did you become best friends because you gave out something important to you to your friend and never asked it back?
4. Did you become best friends because you share the same interests?
5. Did you become best friends because your friend helped you once or a few times?

These are the wrong conceptions of "best friends".

So what is best friends?
I've came to learn that best friends are:

1. Friends that never leave you behind, or ahead of you, but only beside of you.
2. Friends that stands beside you no matter what happens.
3. Friends that help you out whenever you're in trouble, when everyone is ignoring you.
4. Friends that are ready to catch you when you fall.
5. Friends that you can sit down together, have no conversations at all, but still felt good.
6. Friends that listen to what you say.
7. Friends that are willing to sacrifice for you.
8. Friends that are always in your heart, anytime, anywhere, anyhow.
9. Friends that are hard to say good bye to.
10. Friends that you can share secrets to and keeping the secrets to themselves.
11. Friends that need your presence in everything they do and anywhere they are.
12. Friends that offer help even if you didn't ask for it.
13. Friends that you can sleep over in their house whenever you like or friends that you are willing to let them sleep in your house anytime they like.
14. Friends that trusts you in the things you do.
15.Friends that don't look down on you.
16. Friendship that will never end.

If you have at least 5 of the above, then congratulations, you have found a great true friend that you shall treasure till the day you die.


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