Mixed feelings.

Today has been a very special day for me. It's been a very busy day, I have all sorts of feelings towards the end of the night as of now.

When I got up from my bed to rush to my lectures, I felt exhausted since I only slept at 4.00a.m last night due to some surfin' and movie watchin'. I'm kinda addicted to computers if you haven't know, so I just can't sleep without maximizing the usage of my computer before I sleep. Haha.

Exam is coming this Wednesday and I am feeling so stressed out due to the lectures given by my lecturers are so not complete and the system in my college can be described in one word, that is SUX. How could they possibly take an exam paper from KL and let us people at PJ to take them? It's not fair for us. It is so unfair for us. I couldn't file a complaint since I was always lazy doing things like that.

Then in the afternoon, my sister called, saying that she banged my car. Grrrr.. At first, I thought it was a small case until I saw the picture my sister sent to me via MMS. It's like a big wreck at the side of my car and it's so much serious than I thought. But I didn't bother to even scold her due to the fact that I know how it feels when you bang a car and got scold by my dad. Why the hell this thing happen on my exam week? Grrrr.. Another thing to think of then.

Finally, just now, my GF called me up and ask me whether do I know what's an ASM and asked my parents whether do they knew about it. I mean what the heck is ASM? It's actually something like a fixed price stock in short. The price doesn't go down or up. You can sell your units anytime you like. The minimum is 100 units and there's no maximum of units you can invest. I was told that the interests of this investment is somewhat at 6%+ and actually I have no interests on these unit trusts. But oh well, since my GF told me that it's a good investment, I'm considering to make my first investment thoroughly.

Exan is coming so wish me luck ok? Bye for now. In tomorrow's post, I will post my newly purchased Samsung SyncMaster 2233SW LCD Monitor and a short review on it. So till then, adious!


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