Back to the beginning..

Haha.. It may sound a bit of serious with the title but actually I'm just going back to where I belong tomorrow. I'm going back to KK!

It's been a long while, around 4 months already since I've been home. PJ is like a 2nd home to me now, everything that I own is here, started my own life here, I can do anything I want, sleep anytime I want. Haha. But the bad part is I miss my home, the food and my family.

I'm going to wash some clothes in awhile and later I'm going out to get some stuffs probably. Hmm.. What should I eat today? McD anyone? Haha. Talking about McD, I have a new favorite! That is Big 'n' Tasty. It's very identical to Quarter Pounder, but I still like Big 'n' Tasty more. Hehe. Those who haven't tried it, go on and have a try. Bye for now. I'll be back. :)


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