Back in KK.

After 3 and a half freaking years in KL, I'm finally back to KK, the place where I was born. A lot of things had changed around here since I left off, and I was in a way felt comfortable that I'm back in my hometown. Like they always say, Home Sweet Home.

The first thing to do is to find out all my friends out and of course to see my precious little baby. I had some fine dining and some drinking with my friends and family, and then it's all about computer stuffs. Haha.

The first I came back is that, the mouse that I bought in KL as a temporary mouse, which is the Sensonic Glaser G20 mouse, which lasted me only around 2 weeks before the left click goes havoc when I press it 1 click equals to 2 clicks. Well, time to hunt for some mouse then. In the end, I got myself a Genius Ergo T555 which the shop supervisor convinced me to get over Gigabyte M6880 Optical Gaming mouse. She told me some facts that Gigabyte is not a dedicated mouse manufacturer, which I should get Genius Ergo T555 instead since that Genius has been long in the business already. And at first, I wasn't so convinced to get it, but my GF recommends it to me eventhough she doesn't know a thing about computer hardwares. Lolz. So I was so afraid to try them out at first, but the because of the price factor, which only cost me RM48 to get one, I was convinced that it is the mouse that I'm looking for.

At first, I'm not too used to it because the scroll wheel has been replaced by a scroll sensor, which in mind, should be very handy. But I find it quite hard to use at first but now I'm just good to go.


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