How to create your own Groupon / Dailydeals site

Dear all,

It's been awhile since I last updated my blog. I'm kinda busy with my work and left this blog in the cold. I'm back with an interesting story.

It's been awhile since Groupon has been introduced to the world. Their concept was really good, well, for beginners. If you think clearly, why share your profit with them when you can use that money to create your own marketing campaign? Who knows it would be better?

For example:
Groupon deal sells your product at $38, you share 30% of the selling price to Groupon.


You will be sharing $11.40 to Groupon.

Let say there are 200 people that purchased your product, which in return:

So why share that amount of money with them? Why not post your deals on the newspaper? On average, a newspaper for a month basis should only cost your few hundreds or so only. In that way, you can reach more people or maybe get even better results since there more than 2 million people reading newspapers everyday instead of like 200 people signed up for Groupon daily mail service in your hometown.

Ok, so you don't buy my idea, you say. You insist on using Groupon or other daily deal sites.

But why not create your own daily deal sites? This can be done in few easy steps. No more profit sharing.

This : is a great link. I learnt a lot of stuffs by reading that article.

So basically, there are few ways to create your own Groupon / Dailydeal sites, but after fiddling around with wordpress etc., I came to a conclusion which was the easiest to understand: - This is a 30 days trial. It has got all the features you'll need for creating a Groupon clone site. - Another Groupon clone platform provider. This is my favorite. It is easy to use, straight forward can the user interface in my opinion is better than the one at

So go on, have a try at these two sites. When you are making money, don't forget to thank me. Cheers. :)


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