R.I.P Grandma.

Dear Grandma, 

I know you are in heaven now with our father in heaven, may you rest in peace. Grandma was a very wise, generous, kind and cheerful person that always had a smile on her face. You will be always in my heart anytime, anywhere, anyhow. Your spirit in life, your wisdom, your kindness, your cheerfulness, will be forever remembered.

I regret that I didn't spend a lot of time with you during your healthy days. Even though we didn't take a lot of time to understand each other very well, but I can feel that you really love me, and I love you too, I did my best to show them as I like to touch and hold your hands, just to let you know that I will be always be there for you when you need me as I am not a person who is good in speech. I always thought that is good enough. I hope that is good enough to show you how much I loved you.

The kisses on the cheek you gave me before I leave back home from your place every time is ever so memorable. It reminds me that how you much you loved me. Now I really miss those kisses and it will never happen ever again.

Goodbye Grandma. 

Sincerely from


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