The evil family

After all these years, my family have been living happily. Until recently, this evil family has been calling our names and posting shits online while they don't dare to confront us and speak to us face to face. So what do we call these kind of people? "小人" in Chinese. All they know is to talk behind you.

Besides, it's us who takes care of our grandma for the past 20 years. They did not do anything but trash talking. Trying to break the bonds between the brothers and sisters of the Chang family. But then they can brain wash the brothers and sisters. When do these brothers and sisters of the Chang wake up? In fact, what they think is our bad when are the one that is taking care of her all these while? Anyone can see that please?

I have lost hope on them. They are not my family. Including my old time friend. My cousin brother. He is no longer trustworthy. They are all the same.

If they really cared about my grandma, which they do, why won't they bring her for dinner? Or maybe bring her around? Or maybe some vacations?

And my cousin brother? He is nothing but a piece of overconfident fool. What ever he said doesn't make any sense and who is he to judge us when are the ones that taking care of my grandma? Why am I even mentioning here? He is no one to me now.

We have been taking care of grandma but they did not give us credit at all. All they think is we are making her to work for us. Who are you to tell me what to do? Go to hell with you.

My grandma is old, I don't want her to take any more blows in this matter. Be strong Mr. J.


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